Congratulations for purchasing the eBook, Heal Your Pelvic Pain with Science.
The eBook is included as a Bonus download if you decide to join PelvicSense, Evelyn's online pelvic healing home program.
"PelvicSense is an amazingly comprehensive tool that addresses the many facets of pain care: understanding pain and why you are stuck, a movement program to mobilize your tissues and decrease your sensitivity, and a meditative component to restore a balanced mind-body connection. Effective pain care is like a three-legged stool. It needs to: 1. Improve tissue health (relaxation and strength of the pelvic floor and pelvic muscles) 2. Provide reassurance and education to empower your recovery process 3. Improve your mind-body connection to decrease the sensitivity of the pain system Pelvic Sense hits all of these areas effectively and in an enjoyable, easy-to-follow program. In just 28 days, you will start to notice changes in your pain and with persistence, it is possible to heal your pelvic pain."
Carolyn Vandyken PT